19 Lessons -
Become the boss of your worries and negative thoughts. Learn to notice the good stuff that is all around you.
Learn to go within & pay attention.Tune out from the busy world and grow more confident about what feels right for you.
children who
have rich inner worlds and curious minds that love to learn.
children who
need quiet time out from the busy world to introspect.
children who
are overwhelmed by their feelings and have daily meltdowns.
children who
Overthink, worry and wish they could switch off their busy brains .
An open mind and willling heart that is ready to take action.
Carve out special time in your day and make these minutes count.
What you track improves, so be sure to write down what you do every day.
Any screen with a wifi connection.
"We’ve stuck our happy place on our bedroom door to remind us to go there when we wake up.”
“We used our Buddha Breathing on a visit to the dentist……we used ours for car sickness on a long journey.”
“Thank you Lisa. We’ve loved this. Everything you do gives me a moment to reflect and ground myself.”
“I have become a better Mum since meeting you. Yes I slip sometimes, but I try. I am a lot prouder of my children and I don’t get embarrassed by emotions. I allow them to happen. We talk about them more.”
“We’ve learnt that it’s OK to be angry and why it can sometimes feel so strong….and that’s OK too. I feel I can deal with that now.”
“I like your idea that other people’s feelings can stick to you like velcro and now we know how to stop catching other people’s feelings which will come in very handy at school.”