The Wildheart Book Club: Highly Sensitive Healing Circle

Explore the essence of your inner child & connect back to your true self through my book, Stuck Between Two Worlds.

Register your details here to be subscribed to my monthly newsletter, so we can notify you when enrolment is open again. 

Meet Little Lisa. 
Every day, I walk past this photo and stop to ask,
‘How you doing sweet girl?'
I tell her I LOVE her and that she’s doing great!
I tell her I’m proud of her and ask her if she needs anything.

She doesn’t always know. So, I reassure her that’s okay.
I sit with her a bit longer and drink my tea.
I smile, meet her gaze and I get really curious.
I wait patiently … eventually she tells me.

Sometimes it’s not words, but tears or sensations in my body that want me to listen. And I do.
I intentionally chose this picture - my Mum cut my hair.

This 7 year old part of me holds the PAIN of not feeling good enough, of UNWORTHINESS, of WRONGNESS, of UGLINESS, of GUILT and FEAR.

She believes that if you get too close, you will see how terrible she really is and you won’t like her. I like her though. That's all that matters.
I tell her repeatedly how much, and I PROMISE her I will never leave.
I met her during the 10 years I worked with children. She was carrying so much pain alone.

It was an amazing, life-changing experience.
She's been the KEY to my healing.
I want that for more people.

Do you want that for yourself?

Join me for this magical adventure where you'll MEET YOUR INNER CHILD; the unconscious part of your mind where your unmet needs, suppressed childhood emotions, creativity and intuition live. Together we'll explore your inner world and uncover the impact of being a Wildheart growing up in a family entrenched in drama, denial and secrets (unhealed generational trauma). In this gentle and encouraging space, you'll slowly feel seen, heard and WORTHY of all the love you truly deserve. 

Is this INNER CHILD Healing Circle for YOU?

✔ a PARENT, who understands that meeting your inner child is the key to OPTIMALLY PARENTING your kids.

✔ a CYCLE BREAKER, the BRAVEST member of your family, who is healing from patterns of generational trauma.

✔ the BLACK SHEEP, who is possibly ESTRANGED, but definitely struggling to have a healthy relationship with your family.

✔an HSP (highly sensitive person), who is tired and overwhelmed by life, and WORRIES that there is something WRONG with you. You've tried all the things and nothing is working.

✔ a recovering PERFECTIONIST, who is exhausted from trying so hard and finds it IMPOSSIBLE to rest.

✔ a 'GOOD GIRL' who has been taught to stuff down her anger, deny her needs and not rock the boat in the name of keeping everybody else happy.

✔ a kind-hearted EMPATH who overthinks and overgives, and feels FRUSTRATED, resentful and UNAPPRECIATED.

✔ an INTROVERT who values PEACE, but has become conflict avoidant and can't speak up when faced with aggressive or TOXIC behaviour.

✔ a HEALER, THERAPIST or PRACTITIONER who is seeking new approaches and wants to deepen your learning around the impact of childhood trauma.  

"Years of therapy and no one ever explained it like that. I find this work with you liberating and reassuring. I'm beginning to see how it's all impacted me, and make sense of why I have the thoughts and beliefs that I do. It's VALIDATING to hear you talking about it so openly. Nobody seems to understand it as fully as you do Lisa. Just to hear somebody else affirm that the way they're treating me is WRONG. It gives me more COMPASSION for myself and less like there is something WRONG with me." 

Wildheart Book Clubber

At the end of your 12-week healing adventure... you will have...

✔ connected to the ENERGY of your inner child so she can tell the TRUTH about how she feels and what she really wants.

✔ told your STORY, or the parts your inner child choses to share from her perspective, so she feels heard and validated.

✔ a practical TOOLKIT for soothing your inner child when she's activated (this is also often referred to as being triggered or having an emotional flashback).

✔ learnt how to REPARENT yourself with compassion, empathy, and in a way that is attuned to your emotional needs.

✔ learnt a simple framework for developing your EMOTIONAL LITERACY so you can fully express and process your feelings.

✔ learnt how the damaging DYNAMICS of dysfunctional families impacted your inner child.

✔ re-written your BLUEPRINT for a loving, healthy relationship and how to protect yourself from negative energy and tricky personalities.

✔ found ways to make PEACE with your past and LET GO of unhealthy CONDITIONING is holding you back.

There's no right or wrong way to experience this healing circle - it's designed to meet you exactly where you are. I'll teach you how to create a simple framework and give you a practical toolkit to connect to your inner child. 


Learn to love yourself. Foster a kind, compassionate relationship with yourself. 


Tune into and listen to your body's innate wisdom. Trust yourself!


Understand how your past is impacting your present, but does NOT define you!


Understand your needs and be able to take care of them when it all gets too much.


Slowly dissolve shame, resistance, confusion, overwhelm and low level anxiety.


Let go of what hurts your Wildheart to make space for more playfulness, creativity & love.

"Seeing and listening to other peoples stories has been invaluable to me. I have ignored myself for years but hearing my story and emotional struggles through their words made it possible for me to see myself." 

Wildheart Book Clubber

Ask the Wildhearts! Here's what the experts think 👇

 I didn't think it was possible until now. I feel more connected with my inner child in this moment.

"I can’t remember how I found you, but glad I did. I'm surprised with the difference it's made. In the past, when I've had therapy before, I'm left feeling morose and lost with NO idea what to do with ALL the FEELINGS. I didn't know the emotional overwhelm was my inner child trying to get my attention. Now, I'm in a better place. More aware of my triggers and in touch with my feelings. I feel more in control now I understand what's happening, and how to process them. You're like an angel on my shoulder! Thank you!"

Wildheart Book Clubber

 I LOVED being part of this group. What an inspired way to present difficult and challenging work!

"I haven't done inner child work before. I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of myself. Reading your book helped me feel seen and showed how family dynamics impact us as children. After 6 weeks, I was able to SOOTHE MY INNER CHILD and offer her kindness and compassion when she is upset. Something I couldn't do before. I loved being part of this group. The way the course material was presented and explained by Lisa with so much care was lovely."

Wildheart Book Clubber

"My intention was to feel SAFER and I achieved that.

The Wildheart Book Club taught me that if my inner child feels safe, understood and loved by the adult me, she will be happy and she deserves to feel that. We both do. Such a POSITIVE and helpful experience for me. Thank you!

Wildheart Book Clubber

 "Somewhere I'm understood and held without fear. 

A big thank you! Well done Lisa for delivering some GREAT sessions. I feel slightly sad that you can't see the laughs, the smiles, the tears and lots and lots of nodding!"

Wildheart Book Clubber

"I've been to my fair share of healing circles, but not felt as grounded & calm as I do here.

It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed diving into the content, but most of all, I enjoyed connecting with your energy, and with people who get it! It was deep and intense at times, but the group felt SAFE enough to go to there. Thank you!"

Wildheart Book Clubber

 "Totally transformational. This work has completely changed my perspective. It feels like the beginning of something new. I was excited to meet my inner child and find out what she needed from me. I wanted to feel EMPOWERED, so I could use my VOICE assertively and feel more in control of my life. I think it's AMAZING that I'm on the way to doing ALL of those things! Thank you for being so GENEROUS with everything you've shared about your experiences." 

Lucy, Wildheart Book Clubber 

Your Privacy & Safety is the #1 Priority -  You Get to Choose What you Share 

"I was afraid of being judged for my story but it turned out to be inspirational and healing in a way I'd never envisaged!

Although you have an understanding of other Book Clubbers' struggles, you don't get to know their full story. You get to CHOOSE how much you share. That creates safety, non-judgement and an empathetic bond. Apart from Lisa, Lisa tells her story and is the keeper of all our stories.

Even in a group format where she can't see your face, she seems to know when each person will struggle with and what they will need. The space she holds for each individual and her skill of speaking to you like she is sitting next to you is just remarkable!."

Wildheart Book Clubber

What's included in Wildheart Book Club 👇

1 - 🌼 Live Coaching & Teaching with Lisa
We meet every Thursday at 7.30pm for 60 - 75 minutes in a private Facebook group. There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions and receive guidance from Lisa as you go.

Each module takes 2 weeks to complete. The first week is more theory based, and the second week is a creative or practical exercise to embody the learnings.

🌼 module 1 - Creating Emotional Safety
🌼 module 2 - Re-Writing Your Blueprint for Love
🌼 module 3 - Reparenting Yourself with Unconditional Love
🌼 module 4 - The Art of Self-Soothing & Self-Care
🌼 module 5 - Bringing the Inner Child Home
🌼 module 6 - Taking Back Your Power

2 - 🌼 Handouts & Homework 

Every week, you'll receive a gorgeous PDF with your course notes and homework.There are also recommended reading resources, poems and quotes from the book.  

You can DOWNLOAD each PDF to a digital app for your tablet, or you can PRINT it off and scribble in the old fashioned way. 

3 - 🌼 Support from your soul family who really get it!

The icing on the cake is the caring community of WONDERFUL Wildhearts. You are not alone! They're beautiful, SENSITIVE and resilient like you. 

They've been through darkness. They'll empathise from a place of understanding what it's like to grow up with loss, chaos, addiction, dysfunction and neglect. 

They'll cheer you on when you're having a bad day, and they want the best for you.
I can't tell you how validating it is to have your experience known and shared with like-minded souls. It dissolves SHAME, anxiety and heals that deep loneliness

When you're healing, you'll come across so many people who won't get it and are quick to judge. Being around safe people is everything! The group is kept SMALL to keep the circle SAFE and COSY for sharing.
4 - 🌼 Digital Copy of Stuck Between Two Worlds

"Written with joy and warmth, Stuck Between Two Worlds is a lovely tale full of compassion and tools to use to find a safe place inside one's own heart."

Stuck Between Two Worlds tells the story of a feisty, but very anxious and sensitive 10-year-old called Ruby who is growing up in a family that looks picture perfect. Only the reality is that it's full of drama, secrets and unresolved generational trauma. 

Ruby longs for another life, but there seems to be no way out. Until one day, a stranger appears and leads Ruby to the Wilderness, where she discovers another life does await her—the life of a Wildheart. As Ruby discovers her true power, one question remains—will she stay in the Wilderness with her Wildheart friends, or will she return to the Hologram House where her family and their secrets are waiting? 

Side note: You don't need to read the book - the course content is juicy enough, but many Wildhearts tell me that it helped them to feel seen and validated.

5 - 🌼 Brilliant Bonuses

To support your healing, and so you get the most out of The Wildheart Book Club, I've included these additional resources:  

BONUS #1 Inner Child Guided Visualisation to bring her back home with you where she belongs.

BONUS #2 Inner Child Journal Prompts to get to know your little self even better. She'll be so glad you're finally paying her attention.

BONUS #3 Emotional First Aid Kit practical exercises and techniques for regulating your sensitive nervous system.

BONUS #4 My Healing Playlist full of beautiful music for you to cry, dance, rage and sing to.

BONUS #5 You'll also get my Recommended Reading List for doing inner child work. 
 "I have done inner child work before, but the structure of book club made all the difference. My intention was to start to TRUST myself again. I definitely took a big step towards achieving that - though perhaps not exactly the way I had it in mind! I had struggled to connect with my inner child, but during the course I realised that I have to strengthen my responsible adult first. My inner child doesn't feel SAFE to come out yet. I've really been working on that the past few weeks and it's already made SUCH A DIFFERENCE in my life!

Gaby, Wildheart Book Clubber 

Are you Ready to Become a Wildheart Book Clubber?

Payment plans are available.  Please get in touch.


  • 12 Live Group Coaching Calls with Lisa (weekly for 60 - 75 minutes) which will include teaching, journaling, coaching, creative activities and the opportunity to get your questions answered.
  • Handouts and Homework for each module.
  • Community Support in a private Facebook group 
  • Digital copy of My Book, Stuck Between Two Worlds.
  • All the Brilliant Bonuses and additional Resources.

or 3 monthly payments of £222

Ask the Wildhearts! Here's what the experts think 👇

Frequently Asked Questions

Naturally, your inner child may be afraid but also delighted when you say yes to wanting more for yourself and commit to make it happen. However, healing doesn't happen on a timeframe, it happens when you're ready. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you. You'll know when you're ready and if you're not, that's okay. Maybe it's not the right time for you. If it helps, you won't be on camera and you can share as little or as much of your story and yourself as you wish. There is NO pressure. You have complete control over your participation. This is deep work and it's vital for your inner child you go slow, build trust and give yourself that time and space. If you'd like to experience what it's like to work with me in a group setting, join my friendly and fun, free community 'Journal in your Jammies' where you'll meet other sensitive Wildhearts who are committed to prioritising their emotional well-being. 

The Wildheart Book Club is a small and intimate weekly healing circle; no more than 10 women, and it takes place inside a private Facebook group. I run it live at least once a year for 12 weeks. Each session is 60-75 minutes long and comes with handouts and homework. No slides! This helps create the right atmosphere to welcome in your inner child. 

No. Your privacy and safety are my #1 PRIORITY. To protect people's privacy and to create a safe space for healing, these sessions will not be recorded, shared outside of the private Facebook group, nor will they be used for resale. You have access to the live videos for the duration of the circle. You have access to the course material via the course platform for as long as it is here. At the end of our time together, I delete all the content in the live Facebook Group - posts, photos, comments and live videos to clear space for the next round of students.

If you have already had therapy or done some self-development work, this healing circle is for you. This is not a replacement for therapy. It's an opportunity to unravel more of your story and re-write it. It will also give you a practical framework to use as part of your healing toolkit.

As an HSP and survivor of C-PTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder) who has been in recovery for nearly 20 years, I pride myself on being trauma educated and trauma aware. My approach is intuitive and through the lens of a sensitive soul who is client-centred and compassionate. I fully understand the dynamics of the family system and the common relationship conflicts that occur. I have a Life & Child Coaching diploma, plus a decade of real life experience - working in private practice 1:1 with children and their families. I've also written and delivered trainings and creative workshops for local councils, charities, children and parents. If you'd like to experience what it's like to work with me in a group setting, join my friendly and fun, free community 'Journal in your Jammies' where you'll meet other sensitive Wildhearts who are committed to prioritising their emotional well-being.

I teach my own experience and techniques, then invite you to try them for yourself. This is group work, so I am not customising anything for you. Take what you need and leave the rest. If something feels unsafe or you’re not interested, you can choose to opt out. You have complete control over your participation. If you'd like more support and guidance from me, I invite you to consider 1:!1 coaching. If you'd like to experience what it's like to work with me in a group setting, join my friendly and fun, free community 'Journal in your Jammies' where you'll meet other sensitive Wildhearts who are committed to prioritising their emotional well-being.

No problem! Send an email over to I'll get back to you within 1-2 business days. Or you can book yourself in for a free chat, my diary is below 👇

Still have questions?
Book some time in my diary for a cuppa & a chat

Lisa Parkes

Lisa Parkes is an Intuitive, HSP Educator & Writer who inspires Wildhearts to honour their sensitive nature…without the nagging self-doubt and anxiety. She began coaching children in 2010, and what started out as a creative passion project, and an unconscious desire to be the person she needed growing up, turned into a catalyst for her own healing. Lisa now works with women, helping them to get back in touch with their playfulness, creativity, and find inner peace as they break free from generational patterns of conditioning. She loves to journal with tarot cards and is the author of 'Stuck Between Two Worlds'. You're most likely to find her dancing around her kitchen, talking about astrology, energy, spirit guides, or planning her next adventure. You can find Lisa on Instagram @lisawildheart or on the interwebs