Nobody really tells you what it can be like when you are a Mum
Yes, I know! The rewards are high quality time making special memories, the funny things they say, their honesty and watching them grow. Seeing them learn new things every day and succeed. Their little chests swelling with pride. Not to mention all those yummy cuddles and love from that unbreakable bond. It's a privileged and special job to be somebody's Mum.
* Nobody tell you that you are going to experience your heart walking around outside your body which at times can feel scarily out of control!
* Nobody tells you that you will regularly find yourself awake late at night Googling stuff or contemplating what else you can do to secure your child's happiness
* Nobody tells you how much fricking stuff you have to do, never mind the guilt. How often do you think 'Am I doing enough?'
* Nobody tells you that even though you will show up and do your best every day, you have a niggling doubt wondering if you are doing enough. If you are getting it right? *gasp* The horror of getting it wrong with all this responsibility sitting on your shoulders.
* Nobody tells you that at times you will be at a total loss with what to do or where to go next which quite frankly takes up all your headspace and nothing or nobody seems to know exactly what the deal is. People talk about winging it but you want to do it 'properly'. Winging it doesn't feel like you care enough. You want to do a great job and be the best Mum you can be for your child.
No wonder you are tired, short on 'Me Time' (don't be so bloody self indulgent) and feeling bad because when you look around other Mums seems to be sliding on their Mum shoes a la Carrie Bradshaw into her Jimmy Choos.
So how do you trust yourself to navigate those choppy waters of fear and uncertainty through to calm and confidence?
I think it's more about making sure you have the energy, self belief and the bounce-back-ability as you are required over and over again, day after day to show up for your child in a way that is like nothing else you've ever been asked to do. I hear you! It's such a tough job and I wish people would talk about it more. It would help you to feel less inadequate and more comfortable in your role as a Mum.
This online learning pack is for you if ...
- If you feel overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings. You will come away with practical actions and be clear what to do next.
- If you find yourself doubting your ability as a Mum or wonder if you are getting it wrong. You will come away feeling more confident about yourself and your Mum abilities.
- If you worry about your child's happiness and how they will manage life as an adult. You will learn more about how that happiness is created and what you can do to help with that.
- If you find it hard to watch your child struggle or get upset. You will learn how to navigate those emotional waters and feel safe in the knowledge that they are learning from it too.
- If you regularly find yourself asking 'How do I get my child to do X, Y or Z'. You will learn what the key is to co-operation and feeling heard and respected by your child (and other people in your life).
- If you find yourself multitasking and juggling too much. You will learn how to prioritise what is important and take small, manageable steps to feel more accomplished.
- If you find yourself panicking and incredibly anxious - the responsibility weighs heavy on your shoulders. You will learn how to lighten the load and have compassion for yourself.
You are in the right place and are in excellent company! Other Mums who feel like you and get it. Here’s what some of the parents who have completed this online learning pack said....
~ I am taking small baby steps but feel far more positive than I have done in years.
~ It was so reassuring to know I am not the only one who thinks this way.
~ I’m relieved to know I’m not alone.
~ So much of what you said resonated with me, tonight is the start of me making changes - THANK YOU!
~ I found Wednesday so amazing I have been talking to my friends and invited them to join.
~ Thank you for taking the time to reply to comments. That’s an impressive amount of replying. You must be exhausted.
~ Thank you. I found this evening really interesting and informative and it's definitely made me think about plenty of things I can do.
~ Thank you for giving so much of yourself to the session, it was really helpful and enjoyable.
~ Just wanted to say thank you again. What you do and give to people is incredible - you are a very special person. Thank you x.
What will I get?
In this online learning pack, you and I will do a little Smiley coaching together so that you can build up your confidence and learn how to trust yourself to feel more calm, confident and in control on a daily basis. In true Smiley stylie, there will be real talk, kindness, encouragement, compassion, laughter and love. You will get:-
- A downloadable reflection and journaling activity workbook so you can scribble as you go, consolidate your learnings as you go and get really clear about what will help and support you most.
- A 90 minute training video with Smiley called 'How to Trust Your Amazing Ability to Be A Confident Parent to accompany your workbook where you will hear me share stories from my coaching room and my experiences as a child so you realise you are not alone in the way you feel.
- A fully comprehensive list of 20 helpful Pick and Mix Resources so you can build your own Parenting Tool Kit (the one that is the best fit for you because one size does not fit all!).
- Some soul searching and thought provoking coaching activities to unlock your feelings and set yourself free from self doubt, fear and all those parenting wobbly bits that nobody talks about.
- A follow up 45 minute check in video with Smiley where I will show you an awesome coaching technique to literally clear fear and negative feelings from your body. It will set you and your child free!
Special Bonus Features
* Reading Recommendations and Resources so you can further your knowledge if you want to
* Bonus Video 1: Why punishment doesn't work
* Bonus Video 2: Lessons I learnt from setting boundaries
* Bonus Video 3: The Energy Pod Class on LOVE
Learn how to trust your innate parenting wisdom, so you can cut down on worry, doubt & Googling!