Hi I’m Lisa, a qualified Child Coach. Some of you know me as The Smiley Coach.

If like me you grew up in the 80s, when parenting was being sent to your room to cry it out alone, it's very likely you're in therapy learning how your emotions work, and healing the trauma of emotional neglect and abandonment.

After a decade of working with anxious children and their families, I noticed that when children were taught how to label, express and soothe their feelings, their anxiety decreased. It also helped to have an adult who could model this. We call this 'co-regulation.'

I created this fun and easy to use emotional literacy library to foster emotional resilience and a growth mindset, not just for children but also for the adults who are breaking these cycles of pain and dysfunction. It's what I used in my coaching sessions and at workshops with children with so much success. It's also what I discovered was a big part of my healing. My inner child desperately needed validation, permission to feel all her feelings without fear, guilt or shame. 

Fun & playful exercises for your child (or your inner child) to help navigate the choppy waters of your emotions without getting overwhelmed.
Suitable to watch on all electronic devices. 

In each of the 22 pre-recorded classes, you'll learn 2 or more practical and easy calm down and/or self-soothing techniques that you can start using straight away. You'll also be invited to answer self-reflection questions, and to complete a Smiley Fun Sheet so you can create daily wellbeing habits such as positive thinking, gratitude and self-care. 

Access The Full Emotional Literacy Library today!

20 different classes which cover all the feels in the rainbow! Learn how all your feelings are messengers that are here to help you. When you know how to listen to them, they give you valuable feedback about who you are and your place in the world.

Wildheart Emotional Literacy library


only £97

  • 22 pre-recorded classes enjoyed by hundreds of children (45 mins each)
  • Accessible on computers, tablets and mobile devices
  • For all levels with helpful guidance and tips - you cannot get it wrong!
  • Over 40 practical tools and techniques for building emotional resilience

"I wanted to write and thank you for this week's class. Wow, that was a big one! I know my daughter benefitted from realising she’s not the only one experiencing anger, and the reinforcement that it’s OK to feel like that. Anger definitely did come out in our house that night, just as you predicted, but with your help we were ready for it! I think the biggest impact of that class was on me though. I listened to the replay back on my own and followed up with all the links you posted. I’ve been doing some real soul searching about the shame thing. I wanted to cry thinking that my daughter felt like that. It’s made me think hard about my attitude to anger. I realised I do feel shame about it too. Not in principle, but that if anyone outside of the house saw me when I’m angry I would be mortified! There was a lot of anger in my house when I was growing up and I can see where my ‘stuff’ comes from. I could go on for pages with everything I’ve learnt about myself this week .... just from that one class. Suffice to say that it was a very powerful week (and very hard, but that just shows how needed it was). One of the things I found most helpful was the poem you share and the advice you gave. They are really helpful anchors for me. It’s hard to remember much in the heat of the moment but I’m trying to hold onto those two things."

“Thanks so much again for a great class. My daughter really enjoyed it even though she found it tricky at times. I think it was probably harder yesterday as she wasn’t in a good place emotionally (it wasn’t a good day for her). Sometimes I think that’s when it’s most helpful though. We’ve also been having some really good chats on the way to our swimming class afterwards. It’s a nice space to talk about some of the things that came up for her if she wants to. She is still very keen to come back next week, so we’ll see you then. Thanks Smiley!” 

"You aren't going to believe it Lisa! We’ve finally done two of the energy pod replays: WORRY and ANGER. The stuff my son is coming out with is amazing, saddening and touching. They keep holding up their pictures and answers to your questions to the screen for you to see!  I’m really pleased as it has given me such an insight into how he actually feels. I love the techniques you share. We really enjoyed being able to send out worries away by making paper aeroplanes.  Thank you so much. I can't put into words succinctly how I feel about the sessions.  I’m feeling hopeful this is just the beginning for us!

“My eldest has made great progress, the meltdowns that he was experiencing almost daily at one point are now very rare, and he even referred to his bedroom as his ’Happiness Room’ at the weekend which left me speechless.I don't know if you remember but this was always where he would retreat when feeling angry.”

“My son enjoys watching by himself with his headphones on. He wrote pages the other day, and I was gobsmacked. Usually, he keeps his feelings to himself and it sparked a conversation with a difficulty he is having in the classroom.”

“Beforehand, my youngest who is 7, said he didn’t want to do it. He was adamant he wouldn’t join in and pushed away the worksheet when I tried to give him it. So it was AMAZING to see how much he got out of the session. However, he joined in very quickly and when you referred to the worksheet at the end he couldn’t wait to fill it in.”

“You have given our daughter the strength and confidence to think about herself and her little ‘snags’ in a fresh new light and this has helped enormously. So from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!"

"My son came in buzzing this morning. It was so sweet, he wrote almost a page of his story on paper to share with you next week, (all of his own accord) He loves using creativity and imagination and we loved hearing about it.  He really is enjoying it Lisa. It is a great platform for them to express themselves."

“My daughter really enjoys coaching and describes you as 'The Lady who takes her worries away!" Sometimes mums/dads can't do it all on their own. It warms my heart to hear her chatting to you so comfortably and takes a huge weight off my shoulders when I know it's not just all down to me to help her find solutions."

"Thank you Lisa for yesterday morning. Ben had a great time and has come away new ideas of how to deal with worrying situations. He has proudly put his poster on his bedroom door and is keen to come back. So I will be signing up again!"

My daughter  is loving learning with you. She'd like to pop you in a matchbox and keep you near all the time. Maybe we have a marketing idea here: Lisa dolls?!!!'

"I wish we had called Lisa sooner! As her mum I feel like she is in safe hands. What I wasn't expecting was that as a family we have all felt the benefit.  An air of calmness has returned to our home and that for us is priceless and worth every penny!"