Creative Problem Solving Toolkit

Get a different perspective that takes you straight to the heart of the matter.

Helpful insights into your child's inner world so you can get to the heart of the matter!

Life is full of bad days, disappointments, challenges and change. I'm going to show you how you can use this clever creative problem solving exercise to approach life's ups and downs with a confident can-do attitude. You'll feel reassured and calmer when you get a different perspective.
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” —Albert Einstein

Think Outside the Box!

Smiley will fire up your imagination and tap into your magical inner world as you draw your cares away.

Use the Magical Power of Creativity

Creativity accesses the part of the brain that already knows the answers. It will lift your mood and relax you when life gets stressful. You will be able to draw your way out of tricky times over and over again!

Imagine feeling calm & confident in the face of adversity! 

 'This was so much fun and brilliant. It really helped me to understand my daughter more and see the world through her eyes. We forget sometimes how it is for them and it's such a good reminder that often they are just lost or stuck and overwhelmed. This course helped me to see that my daughter is actually quite scared but it doesn't always come across like that. Now I'm clear how I can help her. She's pinned her story above her desk and we refer to it often as a way of talking about what is upsetting her. Thank you for your wonderful insights and clever creative approach.'


Imagine if you knew how to bounce back without letting all those bad feelings into your heart.


Imagine being able to navigate overwhelm instead of letting it overpower you.


Imagine being self-sufficient and confident enough to handle whatever life throws your way. 


An essential life skill to calm your troubled mind that you can tap into whenever you need it.

What's inside your creative toolkit?

45 Minute Coaching Class with Smiley

Get your creative on with this fun step-by-step creative problem-solving session. Don't worry - you don't have to be Picasso. 

2 Relaxing Guided Visualisations 

Pop Smiley in your earbuds shake off any uncomfortable feelings at the end of the day. You listen in and feel calm whenever you need to.

Easy to follow Guidelines for Educators & Parents

Uncover your child's inner world to reveal helpful insights that will make life easier. You'll have a different perspective, a clearer understanding and it will spark some interesting discussions.

Children age 7+

For worry warts, overthinkers that catastrophise, I don't know-ers, and those that are knocked off their perch by disappointment or a bad day.

Educators & Counsellors

A new addition to your creative toolkit that gets them talking, encourages introspection and grows resilience.


Feel more reassured and in control. Get a new perspective & understanding of your child's inner world.

What do you need to get started? 

Your Creative Tools
Blank paper, pens, crayons and whatever else you love to create with. You can even paint if you want to. 
Schedule some quiet time

About an hour to do the creative exercise. You can listen to the relaxations whenever you want.

 Attitude is everything 

An open mind and willling heart that wants to try. You don't have to be Picasso!

Techie Stuff

Any screen with a wifi connection. Ear phones are good for the relaxations.

Course Curriculum

'The boys really enjoyed it and I loved seeing them so engaged. Beforehand, my youngest who is 7, said he didn’t want to do it. He was adamant he wouldn’t join in and pushed away the worksheet when I tried to give it to him. So it was AMAZING to see how much he got out of the session. He quickly joined in and  couldn't wait to fill it in. I will definitely be watching it back, but I certainly came away feeling energised.'

'The stuff my son is coming out with is amazing, saddening and touching. They keep holding up their pictures and answers to your questions to the screen for you to see! I’m really pleased as it has given me such an insight into how he actually feels. I love the techniques you share. We really enjoyed being able to get creative and have fun. Thank you so much. I can't put into words succinctly how I feel about the sessions. I’m feeling hopeful this is just the beginning for us!’

Feel confident & empowered in the face of adversity!

✔ Explore what is holding you back & why you feel stuck
✔ Learn how to creatively problem solve (without talking about the thing that's bothering you!)
✔ Discover your unique strengths that will move you forward
✔ Wash away and let go of any icky feelings
✔ Create a plan so you know what to do next time

Creative Problem Solving Kit


Prepare to ride the ups and the downs of life, recognise your inner strengths and take back your power!